Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Magic Cleaning Lady

Ohh the wonders. She comes to my house and cleans all morning on Tuesday, then returns on Friday to iron. There are few word to describe when you come home and the house is spotless or when all your clothes are washed and ironed. I swear its a magical feeling. I should probably explain the ´need´ for her... Juticalpa (Juti) is really really dust, you can dust one day and the next day you cant even tell that you dusted, which is highly exasperating. The ironing is something really Latin to me at least. Hondurans always like to look nice, and because of this ironed clothes is a necessity. For example if I went to the store with clothes that were not ironed everyone wold notice and would be shocked it´s kinda bazaar. With that all in mind I prefer my magic cleaning lady over, well myself doing it. I am also helping the local economy, sorta.

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