Friday, September 3, 2010
Immigration Process
*please note I am not a lawyer or an immigration expert and am just sharing my personal experience
Esposo and I moved to Honduras and had all his immigration paper work transferred to the American embassy in Tegus. We lived in Honduras for three years, our process took a bit longer than it should have because our paper was sent to the wrong lawyer in the US. Lesson learned even if you have a lawyer stay on top of everything.
During this time I stayed in Honduras as a tourist leaving the country every 90 or 120 depending if I got an extension. I did this because US immigration is somewhat ridiculous. If I obtained Honduran residency I would not have been able to apply for esposo's residency. I never stayed over on my tourist visa nor brake any Honduran laws, so I was legal.
To prove that esposo would not be a burden to the US I used a family member as a financial sponsor. When all the paper work was processed we waited for the appointment which we found out about a month and half before hand. We decided to get the medical appointment done with ahead of time, which took an entire day in Tegus. It started with a lung x-ray, then blood test where esposo got his photo taken and he got a sweet bracelet with the American flag he had to wear until the appointment that afternoon. Honestly it was pretty uneventful.
The appointment at the embassy was mostly just sitting, and sitting. I brought a insane amount photos of esposo and I including wedding photos. I also brought everything esposo and I did together, plane tickets, lease agreements, cell phone plans. You name it I brought it. At that point we had been married for three years so it was a lot. Better be safe than sorry, right?
In the end they only looked at the random photos we had together, and the required documents they requested. They asked esposo only a few questions, how long we had been together, where I was from. They also asked about visas he had, and dates which esposo entered the US. She asked me three times what country did I claim domicile (re wording it each time, and different times.) I was very clear that I have been in Honduras as a tourist pretty much for the last three years and I am not a Honduran resident because we are planning to live in the US. She seemed happy with this.
We sat down and waited... and waited. We got called up again, another lady asked I why esposo married me, and then she said she had good news, esposo was approved for the resident visa! and come back at three o`clock to pick everything up.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Some direction
I would like to send more kids to school, my basic goal. I would like to do this by somehow providing school uniforms, books, backpacks, etc. Eventually I would love to be able to provide tuition assistance, so kids could go to better schools but I realize I cant do everything all at once.
I understand that I need money, as shipping things down to Honduras is cost prohibitive. The thing is I am unsure on how to ask people for money if I don't even have an organization- or should I just go for it?
Thank you in advance for any ideas and suggestions you might have.
Ohh I do know that school does not start until February- but just trying to get ideas.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Bad words
One day working at the store my mother-in-law was very upset at an employee. She was going on and on about how the display was in the wrong place, but she kept on saying this word over and over, and I had no clue what it meant. Being the curious person I went to esposo and asked him. I said "esposo, what does mierda mean?" his faced dropped, he was upset "who told you that word?" me, looking confused, "your mom" pointing to the part of the store where she was at. Looking slightly defeated esposo replied "shit."
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Cashew fruit
I remember when I first saw this fruit, esposo told me about how wonderful it was, and how he never new about the nut. Esposo told me how it was one of his favorite fruits, but he had a hard time describing it. Knowing that it was his favorite fruits, how could it be bad? Well it was awful- but not in the way you would expect. It is juicy tropical fruit that sucks ALL the saliva out of your mouth. It is the most bazaar thing. I think the photo explains it all, that is why cashew nuts are so expensive, it is a small part of the whole fruit.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I admit...
So now comes the question, what should I do with this blog?
I could pretend I am still there- I have lots and lots of photos, but I feel like that would be a bit of a lie. So I open this up too my few readers that I have left, what should I do with this blog? Any suggestions?
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Coyol I have been told use to be prominent around Olancho but now only in the higher elevations can you find it due to a nasty beetle that kills the palm. So I have never seen a live Coyol palm...
The video I put below is Coyol the drink being taken out of the palm. I think it is pretty fascinating.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Anonas are coming but the jobos are here!
See, they are coming!
The Anona is the fruit that sorta looks like an artichoke, it is opaque creamy inside with watermelon sized seeds. The flavor is hard for me to describe, sweet but not too sweet. Anona is generally just eaten plain. I looked up and apparently this is a fairly common fruit around the world. In English it called a custard apple.
The jobos (pronounced hobo- yup like a bum) are about the size of a large grape, the jobos in the photo are not ready quite yet they get a bit bigger then turn slightly yellow-red. When they are eaten, they are eaten plain or with hot sauce, salt, and cumin. Jobo trees are to me very odd because when there is fruit they have no leaves, so it looks as if it is dead, but then they have fruit... a bit bazaar. The seeds the majority of the mass, only a little layer of fruit is what you eat.
The good part of they dry season is that most of the good fruits are in season. The bad part is there is so little time to eat them all... he he he
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
No water
My pila is dry, my faucets are dry, and I am taking buckets showers. The dry season is here, samana santa is on its way...and the city of Juticalpa goes dry.
Living without water is not really possible, so we use the stores well water by filling up a few barrels and taking it home. Some people buy water to fill up their water tanks, I am a bit cheep so I don’t do that.
The water comes eventually; the water is rationed barrio by barrio but the river becomes more crowded as more people head there to wash their clothes and take a bath rationing the water they have themselves.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
No tell-Motel
Hotel and Motel in english are different, right? one outside, one inside. Well in Honduras there is a bigger difference. Motels are no-tell motels. Let me explain, they are hotels where you take your other significant other or if you just want to get the deed done. I have posted a picture of one above. This one includes an electric door so you don't even have to get out of you car to close the door, and once it is closed get out of the car and enter the room. Amazing what people will think of.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Betting on Chickens
Let me start this of with saying yes I know I am going to hell.
Sundays afternoons are the only free time I have -but because it is Honduras I usually have no clue on what I am doing till that day.
This past Sunday was of a similar story, then at about 10:00 a cousin of esposo comes and tells him about a cock fight they are having at their house, and apparently you just can’t pass up a good cock fight. So after we closed- off we go to a cock fight passing up two perfectly good birthday party offers in the process.
The entrance fee for the cock fight is one hundred lmp (about five dollars) luckily cousin lets us in for free. The people bring the roosters in cages; they are weighed before each fight to make sure it is a fair fight. The bets are taken, and the fight begins.
There are two types of hooks that they attach to one foot of each rooster, a big hook or a little hook. The big hook fights last no more than a minute and it seems to me luck has more to do with who wins than anything. The little hook fights last longer but it seems the better fighter of the two who wins.
To win the fight one of the roosters must die, but if both the roosters are injured and can’t really fight it is a tie. I am unsure where all the roosters come from- I did meet one man from
I am not a fan, I suppose in the end they do end up eating the chicken and having chicken soup, but the killing process is a bit too gruesome for me. Needless to say next Sunday you won’t find me at a cock fight
Monday, February 1, 2010
I really do think the improvement and development of one country is dependent on the education of its poor, but in using this type of scale, the future of Honduras is not headed in the right direction.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Feuding Families
The first spark started with with an attempted hit on the main man of the Garcia family using AK-47`s and grenades. They only managed to kill two body guards- but the feud was restarted. The main man Jose Garcia was interviewed by the main newspaper in Honduras, in this interview he named one of the people who took the hit out on him. A politician in Juticalpa.
The next hit was equally impressive, but this hit killed the head man of the Ramirez family. Killing the main man has caused his family to re-gather in Juti. People that left because they had to, and now they are back. The families are feuding and the job market for bodyguards is improving, but these jobs have a quick turnover rate.
*Please note I have changed all names, but all events are true.